"[File Name].pptx can't be converted for presentation because PowerPoint is not installed. Please install PowerPoint and try again."

With Lync 2010 and Lync 2013, some user run into an issue while they try to share a powerpoint presentation: This is regardless if a Office Web App server is installed or not (as Lync 2010 do not support OWA) The problem is mainly a client issue and should be seach for any server issues. That why in troubleshooting, it is necessary that you identifiy if you have general or partelly issues. You will receive the following error on a client: Solution: To fix the problem you will need to edit the [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TypeLib\{91493440-5A91-11CF-8700-00AA0060263B}\2.b\0\Win32] @="C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office 15\\Root\\Office15\\MSPPT.OLB" and point it to the Office 14/15 directory in regedit. The easiest way to do it would be to copy the registry entry for the TypeLib 2.a entry and paste it over the 2.b entry. Author: Thomas Pött Managing Consultant Microsoft UC