
Showing posts from January, 2019

Migration von SharePoint nach OneDrive

At Microsoft Ignite we announced a new free, simple, and fast migration solution to help you migrate content from on-premises SharePoint sites and file shares to SharePoint or OneDrive in Office 365.

Teams ring headset and desktop at the same time

Well, as you know the settings in Teams are different from Skype for Business. Therefore, you must have a proper headset management, like the Plantronics Hub. Here you can set under ringtones & volume, that your headset and any other attached (like desktop) audio devices will play the ring tone.

Calling Icon missing in Teams after Direct Routing is activated

You can support this issue: Configuration Requirement SfB Online + CloudPBX + PSTN Calling Download Weblogs VoiceSettingsService : isTeamsPreferredClient updated. UserAppsStore : Finished adding/filtering static apps UserAppsStore : Calling app removed UserAppsStore : Attempting to add calling with the following flags: isCallingEnabledByTenant =true, isSfbCloud =true, isEvEnabled =true, disableCallingForHybridVoice =true, pstnType =OnPrem, isBusinessVoicePath =false Clear Teams Cache: Clear those locations: %AppData%\Microsoft\teams\application cache\cache %AppData%\Microsoft\teams\blob_storage %AppData%\Microsoft\teams\databases %AppData%\Microsoft\teams\cache %AppData%\Microsoft\teams\gpucache %AppData%\Microsoft\teams\Indexeddb %AppData%\Microsoft\teams\Local Storage %AppData%\Microsoft\teams\tmp %LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache %LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cookies %LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Web Data Inte

Certificate Requirements Teams Direct Routing SBC

Running Microsoft Teams with Direct Routing for Cloud Voice, you have to deploy a certificate on your SBC. This certificate is used for encryption with TLS. Often there is the question how the certificate must be configured. SBC Public Certificate Requirements All deployed SBCs must have a public certificate from a trusted/supported Public CA, there are 3 options to create a certificate. Security Note: When generating the CSR, the private key size should be at least 2048. Support Note: domain for certificates is not support. Option 1 - Single SBC A certificate with a single SBC FQDN. The SBC FQDN must be in the subject, common name and the Subject Alternate name. SN /CN SAN {Public FQDN of SBC }  {Public FQDN of SBC }   Option 2 - Multiple SBC A certificate with a multiple SBC FQDN’s. The SBC FQDN must be in the subject, common name and the Subject Alternate name, which includes the additional SBCs too.

Teams Direct Routing with SBC Simple Setup

If you want to quickly setup a Microsoft Teams Direct Routing with your own hosted SBC connected to the PSTN. For a smaller, simple scenario you can use this few commands and will be ready within minutes. New-CsOnlinePSTNGateway -Identity -SipSignallingPort 5068 -ForwardCallHistory $true -ForwardPai $true -MaxConcurrentSessions 60 -Enabled $true (-Enabled $true will instantly enable the GW for outbound calling allowed) Set-CsOnlinePstnUsage -Identity Global -Usage @{Add="Unrestricted"} New-CsOnlineVoiceRoute -identity "Unrestricted" -NumberPattern ".*" -OnlinePstnGat e way -Priority 1 -OnlinePstnUsages "Unrestricted" 1. You create the Online PSTN Gateway, your own SBC and define the SIPSignaling Port and some more parameters, e.g. the maximum concurrent sessions (here 60) 2. Create an unrestricted PSTN Usage, enabling the user, for allowed callings to anywhere  3.  Create a Voice route

Office 365 Subscription ID and Tenant ID

Hi all, I'll very often ask where to find the tenant ID and further the subscription ID in Office 365  Find your Tenant ID Requirements: PowerShell 6.x .NET Framework 4.7.2 Power Shell: Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber Connect-AzAccount Update-Module -Name Az Enable-AzureRmAlias Login-AzureRmAccount  Azure Portal: Find your Subscription ID: PowerShell: Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned $credential = Get-Credential Connect-MsolService -Credential $credential Get-MsolAccountSku | FL

Get Members from Unified Groups

If you wish to read the members from an Office 365 Group/ Unified group you have to use the Get-UnifiedGroupLinks cmdlet. Get-UnifiedGroupLink {GroupName} -LinkType Members $UG = Get-UnifiedGroup Sales Get-UnifiedGroupLinks $UG.Id -LinkType Members

Cannot join/ see Office 365 Groups in Outlook 365

This might be happen either if an Azure AD Account is corrupted or it was incorrectly migrated during Azure AD Sync. If the user can access or see the Unified Group, you have to manually remove and re-add the account to the group. The error message, if a user try to add/ join the group is: Your request could not be sent. Please try again later.

Change Office 365 Group Email Address

If might be necessary changing the Unified Groups email address. This could necessary, because you created the Unified Group with your domain. In this case simply us the following cmdlet: Set-UnifiedGroup -Identity -PrimarySmtpAddresses "" Instead, if you need adding an additional email address: Set-UnifiedGroup -Identity -EmailAddresses:@{add=""} Note: Y ou can use the groups email address or the groups displayname for identification.  It is even not necessary writing -Identity  You cannot change the PrimarySmtpAddresses and EmailAddresses at the same time. If you change the PrimarySmtpAddresses, where this address isn't in the EmailAddresses, the PrimarySmtpAddress will be automatically added to the EmailAdresses

Migrating Exchange Mailbox if On-Premises and Cloud exits

This is a common problem. with the actual version and updated PowerShell cmdlet, you do not need to delete the Online User Object any longer. Instead use: PS C:\> Set-User -PermanentlyClearPreviousMailboxInfo Confirm Are you sure you want to perform this action? Delete all existing information about user “"?. This operation will clear existing values from Previous home MDB and Previous Mailbox GUID of the user. After deletion, reconnecting to the previous mailbox that existed in the cloud will not be possible and any content it had will be unrecoverable PERMANENTLY. Do you want to continue? [Y] Yes  [A] Yes to All  [N] No  [L] No to All  [?] Help (default is "Y"): Y Set-User is an cmdlet applied to Exchange 201x and Exchange Online NOTE: Remember, cleaning up the user means that the older associated disconnected (duplicate) cloud mailbox is not recoverable. If you want to keep it or be able to check it’s content, we recommend us

SipProxyAddress AttributeConflictValues while syncing AD On-Premises to Ahzure AD

In some cases, where you have the same user in On-Premises AD and Office 365 Azure AD, synchronization may fail. Fixing a common DirSync/ AAD Connect issue with duplicate cloud account. This is due to the SOFT MATCH (UPN and ProxyAddesses), you must use HARD MATCH. The duplicate error, which means the Local AD account and the cloud account did not merger due to Immutable ID mismatch. ExtraErrorDetails: [{"Key":"ObjectId","Value":["677e2ead-14e8-4e18-9b25-49d5c75472f1"]}, {"Key":"ObjectIdInConflict","Value":["7505ed65-e7f5-4dca-9f78-2617a247f047"]}, {"Key":"AttributeConflictName","Value":["SipProxyAddress"]},{"Key":"AttributeConflictValues","Value":[""]}] $upn  $GUID = (Get-ADUser -Filter {UserPrincipalName -eq $upn}).ObjectGUID  $ImmutableID = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($GUI