Troubleshooting Guide Skype for Business and Lync

The free eBook is about troubleshooting Skype for Business and Lync.

A complex solution in unified communication marking people's life more simpler, connecting to óther at any point of time, staying in contact with fellow friends and family members. Developing a set of skills, supporting and analyzing issues in this environment is an advanced task. I describe the troubleshooting work flow from general understanding of Skype for Business and Lync Server and Services.

In the Troublehsooting Guide the following areas are covered:
- General Approach to troubleshooting
- Logging, Tracing and CLS
- TCP and SIP Protocol
- SIP Session Establishment
- Lync/ Skype for Business Call Setup (entire process)
- Troubleshooting IM
- Troubleshooting Call with A/V
- Diagnostic Headers
- Monitoring
- Troubleshooting Voice
- Troubleshooting Conferencing
- Troubleshooting Web Services
- Troubleshooting Edge (external/ remote)
- Health Monitoing
- Troubleshooting Exchange Intergation
(Autodiscover, Exchange Web Service EWS, IM Integration in OWA, Unified Contact Store UCS, Unified Messaging)
- Troubleshooting Mobility Services
- Troubleshooting Mobile Clients
- Troubleshooting Office Web App Server (OWA)

Troubleshooting Enterprise Voice will be released during a future update of this document (Version 2.0)

Troubleshooting Guide is ready for download:

Please have a look and enjoy.


  1. Is there already any piece of Skype for Business software available in the wild?

    1. Hi Ricardo,
      the only available source till today is under the TAP program.
      But soon we are allowed for blogging, you will see a lot content coming.

  2. Hi Tom, great guide. Any sign of version 2.0 as the EV is a key area I am working on. Thanks!

    1. I'm working on it. But it will be more related to CloudPBX and PSTN Calling. And might take until end of this year


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