Auto Attendant and Call Queues Hybrid Setup with On-Premise breakout

Cool and that is expected just like on-premises SfB OrgAA/Call Queues.

More Details

The Hybrid capability for OrgAA/CQ requires that a disabled AAD object is created for all AA/CQ’s. Once the objects are created they will be available in the Skype for Business Address Book under the display name. If the Tenant AAD is federated with on-premises AD, this requires creating the object on-premises, otherwise it requires creating online which just entails opening AA/CQ in Edit mode and Saving. Note: If any object shows out of sync for status, this must be remediated for successful call routing when calling via sip.

To confirm the AAD objects, you can run the following:

Auto Attendants:
Get-CsOnlineUser -Filter {OwnerUrn -eq 'urn:trustedonlineplatformapplication:ce933385-9390-45d1-9512-c8d228074e07'} | ft SipAddress,DisplayName,ContactOptionFlags,HideFromAddressLists

Call Queues:
Get-CsOnlineUser -Filter {OwnerUrn -eq 'urn:trustedonlineplatformapplication:11cd3e2e-fccb-42ad-ad00-878b93575e07'} | ft SipAddress,DisplayName,ContactOptionFlags,HideFromAddressLists


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