Lync Mobile Client does not normalize dialed number

There is an issue cause confusion with the Lync Mobile Client behavior.
Let me give you a scenario:
Assume a user is located in Munich:
+49    Country Code Germany
89     Area Code Munich
314253 (main number)
554    (extension)
Full number : +4989314253544
Munich Lync phone number: tel:.+4989314253544;ext=1544
(the 1 stands for Munich)

New York Lync phone number: tel:.+16312455554;ext=2544
(the 2 stands for New York)

This number belongs to an internal Lync user and you have the normalization rules for this Munich location profile set as:
normalizing to 3-digit ->       +4989314253$1
normalizing to 4-digit ->       cut 1 - +4989314253$1
normalizing to 4-digit ->       cut 2 - +16312455$1
normalizing to 9-digit ->       +4989$1
normalizing to 0+11-digit ->    cut 0 - +49$1
normalizing to 0049+11-digit -> cut 00 - +$1
normalizing to 001+10-digit ->  cut 00 - +$1
This number belongs to an internal Lync user and you have the normalization rules for this New York location profile set as:
normalizing to 3-digit ->       +16312455$1
normalizing to 4-digit ->       cut 1 - +4989314253$1
normalizing to 4-digit ->       cut 2 - +16312455$1
normalizing to 7-digit ->       +1631$1
normalizing to 0049+11-digit -> cut 00 - +$1
normalizing to 001+10-digit ->  cut 00 - +$1
It normalize the expected E.164 format matching the internal users Lync Phone Number
If you dial as use have a location profile of Munich location to, you now can dial the following:
544             Mobile Client show: 544
1544            Mobile Client show: 1544
314253544       Mobile Client show: 314253544       
089314253544    Mobile Client show: 089314253544      
+4989314253544  Mobile Client show: +4989314253544 
004989314253544 Mobile Client show: 004989314253544       
All Calls are successful !
If you dial as use have a location profile of New York location to, you now can dial the following:
544             Mobile Client show: 544 (not match and normalize to New York)
1544            Mobile Client show: 1544 (CALL SUCCESSFUL and normalize to Munich)
314253544       Mobile Client show: 314253544 (no match)       
089314253544    Mobile Client show: 089314253544 (no match)     
+4989314253544  Mobile Client show: +4989314253544  (CALL SUCCESSFUL)
004989314253544 Mobile Client show: 004989314253544 (CALL SUCCESSFUL)
As you see the Lync mobile client do not show the normalization.
It keeps the number you dialed, similar as the behavior dialing from your mobile itself.

Why the call can reach the user?
Lync can process the given normalization rules on the Server, (in-band provisioning) and also knows the location profile the calling user has assigned, which than include the DialPlan with the Normalization Rules.

Therefore its a normal behavior.

If the call do not work as described in the simple example aforementioned, your location profile and normalization rules are incorrect. You need modifying your dial plans.


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